The Saint & Sinner Podcast

”A Reformed podcast to help God’s people find their rest in the finished work of Christ.” .. by Daniel and Bryan .. New episodes released every Tuesday!

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2 days ago

People say, “don't talk about politics and religion.” And so, today we're going to do both. As the elections in England and in the United States draw closer, we want to consider what the Bible has to say about government, the law, and the place of authority.
Along the way we discuss Theonomy, what it is, and why it can often lead to restlessness, as well as how the gospel can provide the solution.  We’ll also touch on various forms of political theology.  And we will ground it all in God's post-flood covenant with Noah.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

In today's episode, we continue our conversation about Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, but before we begin, we start off our episode by tackling a big question, “can a Roman Catholic or an Eastern Orthodox person be saved?”  And, “what about Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses?”
From there, we’ll spend the rest of our episode traveling through various points in Luther’s life and ministry.  We’ll talk about the Heidelberg Disputation, justification by faith alone, the Diet of Worms, and more.  Ultimately, our aim is to bring focus onto Luther’s heart and desire for gospel clarity and precision.  He was a herald of God’s grace, knowing it deeply and personally, and he sought to offer it to the whole world.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

In today's episode we jump in the time machine and head back to the days of the Reformation. In the first part of a two part series we journey with Luther from the cradle (1483) to the castle (1517).
Along the way we consider the problems with a do-it-yourself theology, the issue of indulgences, and why we need the Gospel more than ever.

Episode 16 - Christian Longing

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Every human being on earth experiences longing, or a strong wish or desire for something to happen. But where does that longing come from? And why is it so universal in all of us?
Join us for episode 16, as we take a journey through the topic of Christian longing. As the episode unfolds, we will discover what our sure and lasting hope is—eternal life in a good and perfect land with God. Our hope is that through this discovery, you might be able to see how all of our earthly longings are merely echoes and reverberations of our greatest longing, which is fulfilled in Christ alone. Here, hope reigns.

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

In today's episode, we continue our conversation around the topic of apologetics, the reasoned defense of the Christian faith, and we ask the question, "what reasons do we have to believe in the God of the Bible?"
Contrary to popular opinion, Christianity is not a religion that calls its adherents to merely exercise blind faith, but it backs up that faith with good reason and evidence. What we stand on is worth standing on, and we can be confident in what we believe. We hope this episode both encourages and equips you, so that you may say along with C.S. Lewis, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

In today's episode we piggy back off the last episode to discuss the existence of God. We spoke about who God is. But how can we know that God exists anyway? Is there evidence for such a big claim? 
We answer with a resounding yes! Part one of a two part series, Bryan and Daniel discuss the philosophical, scientific, historical, and moral arguments for the existence of God. We hope this episode is useful, encouraging, and equipping for Christians. And we pray for all the unbelievers who may be listening, that you'll come to realise that outside of Christianity, all other ground is sinking sand.

Episode 13 - Knowing God

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

In this episode we are joined by Andre as we discuss the doctrine of God. Webster once said that theology is the knowledge of God and all things in relation to God. What we think of God is the most important thing about us. 
In today's episode we delve into the attributes of God and take a whistle stop tour of God's incomprehensibility, aseity, simplicity, immutability and impassibility. None of those words make sense to you? Don't panic!! Join us to find out, and have your mind and heart expanded by the God who fills all in all.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

In today's episode we have special guest André from the 'Two-Age Sojourner' speak to us about the importance of Tolkien and fantasy for a disenchanted world. What was supposed to be a quick 10 minute intro became a nerd-sesh on Middle Earth!! 
Ever since the enlightenment, the world has become grey, glum and gloomy. Everything feels natural and secular. We live in a disenchanted world, and it has led to a great deal of anxiety and despair in our world today. How can we rectify disenchantment? It could be that what we need more than ever is a re-enchantment of the world through fantasy, myth and storytelling. Join us for a 'eucatastrophe' as we delve into Tolkien's importance of imagination, the beauty of friendship and courage, and the need for a King who will bring ultimate rest.

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Episode 11 completes our tour of TULIP. This is the fourth and final installment of our series on the doctrines of grace (otherwise known as Calvinism).
In this episode, we discuss perseverance of the saints, and cover a number of questions like…  What do we do when our heroes abandon the faith?  How can I know that I won’t fall away?  Where can I find the motivation to keep running the race?
Here within this doctrine, we uncover the soothing balm of Christ in His loving preservation of His people.  God saves from start to finish.  He will not lose His own.

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

Episode 10 continues our tour of TULIP. This is the third installment of a four part series on the doctrines of grace (otherwise known as Calvinism).
In this episode, we discuss limited atonement and irresistible grace. What they are, where we find them in the Bible, and why they provide rest and assurance for God's blood-bought people. We can have confidence in Christ because his death achieved everything it was intended to achieve: redemption for a specific people for the glory of his name. And those who are purchased at the cross find themselves drawn by the Spirit's cords of love in time and space. Tune in to find your heart swell with joy in the gospel!

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